Vietnam is a very important area along the belt and road. Luda attended to 2016 Vietnam Show.
Vietnam has trade relations with more than 150 countries and regions in the world. In recent years, the more foreign trade has maintained rapid growth, which has played an important role in stimulating economic development.
Vietnam’s main trade targets are China, the United States, the European Union, ASEAN, japan. The main exports are: crude oil, clothing, textiles, water, seafood, footwear, rice, timber, electronics, and coffee. The major export markets are the United States, ASEAN, the European Union and japan. The main products are: automobiles, machinery, equipment and parts, finished oil, steel, textile raw materials, electronic products and parts. The main import markets are ASEAN, China, EU, Taiwan, japan.

Vietnam Concrete Show 1

Vietnam Concrete Show 2

Vietnam Concrete Show 3

Vietnam Concrete Show 4

Vietnam Concrete Show 5